I need POP.

I need a Dr. Pepper! Very Badly. Or a Full Throttle. Maybe that would actually help me sleep. Yeah right. Normally it would, but I don’t think I’m going to sleep any time soon. I never do. I’m at my aunt’s house right now. I’m talking to Mark on skype. I’m glad I have that while he’s away. It’s good to see him even though he’s so far away. He’s the best, even though we fight sometimes a lot, but ignore that and we’re great. Hey it’s like Ally and Noah! There ya go! I don’t know, I’m really sleep deprived and my chihuahua is missing me and sad. He’s going to be so excited when I come home tomorrow. He’s going to have such a hard time when I go back to school. I feel sorry for him. 







Oh the faces you make on Skype! 😉